Every week at the Berkeley Slam, we run a writing workshop at 6:30 before the show. Find past prompts under the tag prompts.

Read “Frida Kahlo to Marty McConnell” by Marty McConnell. (Not by Frida herself, as is so often misquoted).

1) Three people you don’t know who are famous. It can be celebrities or someone famous to you, personally.
2) Three problems, large or small, you’re dealing with right now.
3) One thing that grows.
4) One thing that shrinks.

Write a letter as one of the people from 1 or 2 advising you on how to deal with your problem. Maybe Lady Gaga is telling you how to handle your bad romance, or your mother is giving you advice on your relationship with your father, or etc., etc., etc. What about them — their history, their personality, the reason they’re famous to you or the world — makes them a trustworthy source of advice? Did/would they follow their own advice? Include both 4 and 5 at some point in the poem.

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