
Get ready y’all - it’s Egg’s debut as a PLUSH! 🏳️‍⚧️💙

I’ve partnered with the lovely Little Softs to bring you a soft, snuggly version of my little trans raccoon.

Egg plushies will go live for preorders on June 1, EXCLUSIVELY in Little Softs’ shop! ⭐️ Be sure to follow them on their socials so you can keep up with Egg’s release! They’ll be ready to start getting adopted right as Pride month begins 😌

The amount of love I’ve seen for Egg since their introduction has not only been overwhelming, but so incredibly touching 🥹 I can’t even express how delighted I am to be able to say that soon, Egg can come home with you for cuddles & comfort! This project has been a literal dream come true. Egg means a lot to me, and I hope y’all are as excited as I am to soon snuggle them for yourself! 💖

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    I couldn’t figure out where to leave a review on the littlesofts website but I wanted to express how much I love this...
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  8. aubryjoi posted this
    Get ready y’all - it’s Egg’s debut as a PLUSH! 🏳️‍⚧️💙...I’ve partnered with the lovely...
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