“ Greetings & Holiday Cheer From Grillby & The Boys!
Hey ya! I’m just a bit late for the holidays, but the warm wishes still stand! I just wanted to say thank you, Keetah, for coming up with this AU and all you’ve done; as well as to all the other...

Greetings & Holiday Cheer From Grillby & The Boys!

Hey ya! I’m just a bit late for the holidays, but the warm wishes still stand! I just wanted to say thank you, Keetah, for coming up with this AU and all you’ve done; as well as to all the other wonderful individuals who have helped contribute to it! I appreciate all of you and what you’ve done very much!!!

Oh gosh look at this! Thank you so much! I am so happy and blessed that people like this AU so much, I hope I can get out some more content for you guys in this new year!


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