hufflepuff. army. feminist. LGBTQ+

♥ this blog is safe for people of all genders and sexualities ♥

☆ i will protect all bts members with my life

☆ i listen too much bts, read too many books, watch too many tv shows and movies. sometimes i do gifs
watching: kdramas, jatp, shadowhunters, queer eye, gentleman jack, sense8, the get down, brooklyn 99, odaat, sotus the series, htgawm, skam,eyewitness, agents of shield, once upon a time, the umbrella academy & so many more i cant remember

reading: probably fanfiction and too many books

my askbox is always open if you need to talk about anything (✿◠‿◠)

❤️ gif requests open ❤️

tabs credit: alydae

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