1. ‘Wolfenstein II - The New Colossus’ First Mission ‘The Reunion’ Playthrough!

    With the release of ‘Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus’ - the eighth main entry in the Wolfenstein franchise and the highly anticipated sequel to ‘Wolfenstein: The New Order’ coming this October (the 27th to be precise!), The guys and girls in the kitchen at ‘MachineGames’ have released this mouthwatering playthrough video of the game’s first mission, aptly titled ‘The Reunion’.

    Waking up in a nightmare, we pick up where we left off with the Nazis winning the Second World War. Our hero and protagonist ‘William “B.J.” Blazkowicz’ is alive and out of bed after 5 months with his feet up although he’s certainly seen better days! Wheelchair bound with kidney failure is a bad hand to be dealt, but throw in an all-out Nazi assault coupled with the difficult task of urinating and you’d think he’d rather be dead.Thankfully we know that this guy is used to a difficult situation or two…

    This video at almost 20 minutes in length is all killer, no filler and contains pretty much everything we loved about its predecessor whilst throwing in even more attention to detail. The blood splatter on your hands from close-up enemy kills looks more realistic than ever before and the captivating cut scenes unveil a truly gripping and tense storyline which we just can’t wait to see more of. We knew Bethesda wouldn’t let us down!

    There’s no need for us to pull this one apart for you so just sit back, press play and prepare to be transported back to 1961 where times are tough but “B.J.” is tougher…

    If you haven’t secured your copy yet then join the resistance now and pre-order with us right here on PS4, Xbox One & PC at The Game Collection!

    More from us as it drops so keep ‘em peeled!



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