Get it, because it’s like combat? But with zombies? Moving on.

    When it comes to Call of Duty, there are few things that spring to mind before zombies. Even the most casual of gamers have been known to revel in a showdown against the undead!

    Well, we’re all in luck. These flesh eating foes have arrived on Rebirth Island in Warzone for limited-time mode Rebirth of the Dead, and they bring with them some significant changes.

    Ask yourself, what’s worse than being overcome by the horde? Becoming part of it… Yes, if you fall victim to these decaying devils then you will return with your eyes bright and your bones showing! This is a part of the new infestation mechanic where death is only the beginning. There’s no shame in departing early anymore!

    You won’t just be staggering about aimlessly getting shot at either. Player-controlled zombies will have unique abilities that’ll make you more than competitive. Think gas grenades, charged jumps and more!

    If you claim a kill as undead Phil (my zombie has a name) then you’ll earn a syringe which is an antidote to your ahem, condition. If you’re looking to get some colour back in your cheeks and that hunger for human flesh out of your mouth, then you know what to do.

    This limited-time mode is live now and will be available until 25th August!

    Now I CANNOT get this out of my head…
