power, privilege, and everyday life.

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I am a 62-year-old female associate professor who has been teaching with technology at a state university since 2002. Most young people under 25 working retail check-out think I need them to explain how to use the card-reader screen.


  1. hazelrose3637 reblogged this from microaggressions
  2. everentropy said: It is WAY better to explain ahead of time than to have to see them struggle honestly. Technically it’s ageism but I can assure you it’s just making their lives easier
  3. dorkysomniloquist said: I am a [x] year old retail worker. One lady of hundreds I see on the daily thinks she’s better than me because she had the money for college. She scolds me for trying to save time on transactions whenever possible, as my job demands.
  4. rhube reblogged this from microaggressions
  5. microaggressions posted this
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