
we rush into the dark belly of the cinema, swallowing us whole as we scramble blindly over chairs, impatient and contesting seats. The stage flickers to life. I see the upturned faces of my family and friends in the fluorescent glow, chins tilted and lips parted in rapturous attention. The movie begins to play; a stage performance of Cirque Du Soleil. Beside me, my chair stands empty, and I look away towards a window framing a faded photograph - of grey waves and strangely colored dots and I am transported -

Beneath my feet, the water moves. And in the distance I can see land - a pastel colored specter, like a disquieting thought at the back of my mind. The water closes over my head -

I am outside, in the air, in the theater, behind the window pane looking out at dull waves and a faded shore

The water promised me everything I can possibly know about myself if only I chose it

I only have to choose it

In an instant, I know I am in a dream.