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True liberty


“True liberty is the ability earned by practice to do the right thing. There is no such thing as a gift of freedom; freedom must be earned. The counterfeit of freedom is independence. When the Spirit of God deals with sin, it is independence that He touches, that is why the preaching of the Gospel awakens resentment as well as craving. Independence must be blasted right out of a Christian, there must be only liberty, which is a very different thing. Spiritually, liberty means the ability to fulfill the law of God, and it establishes the rights of other people.” —Oswald Chambers 

Freedom usually means, “I’m free to do what I want to do.”

Liberty is, “I’m free to help you do the right thing.”

Instead of using my freedom to do what I want to do, I choose to use my freedom to help someone else earn their liberty.

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  1. craigtowens posted this
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