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The only light
Title: The only light
Pairing: Dean x OC (original character)
Word Count: 6.4K+
Warnings: angst, fluff, romantic, action, funny
Summary: Someone opened the doors of Hell and all the rumours bring to Lucifer. They have to find him and...
  • The only light

    Title: The only light  

    Pairing: Dean x OC (original character)  

    Word Count: 6.4K+    

    Warnings: angst, fluff, romantic, action, funny

    Summary: Someone opened the doors of Hell and all the rumours bring to Lucifer. They have to find him and stop him, but how? In the meantime, Dean and his girlfriend think about the future.    

    Notes: this story partecipates to the Jason Manns Covers With Friends - SPN Writing Contest made by @i-like-your-assbutt. The song I chose is Stand by me. The pairing is Dean x OC (original character, named Jane here), but you can also read it as a Dean x reader, if you prefer. After 11x23. I put a lot of effort in this fic, hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!        

    Dean asked himself how they ended up in that kind of situation. He had never thought that it could happen. Perhaps, after everything they had been through, peace would have finally arrived. Like in fairy tails, right? The knight comes to the rescue on his beautiful white horse, saves the day and gets the girl. Dean drew a mocking smile on his face. He knew that things were coming to an end. The circle was about to close, right now, once and for all. He had always known that he would have died with a gun in his hand as a brave soldier, killed by a demon or a monster. The problem was that faith had tricked him, made him believe that there was a light at the end of the tunnel for him too. He had really fallen in full.

    << You knew this moment would have come. >> a familiar voice said, rising out of the darkness.

    Dean smirked.

    << You have played well your moves. This time I actually trusted you. >>

    << Oh, thanks Dean. Actually, it was one of my best plans. >>

    << You’ll leave her alone, right? I have your word. >>

    << You have my word. >>

    << Okay. So, let’s do this. >>


    Lebanon, Kansas. Two weeks ago.

    Where the hell did she put it? Damn, she always lost it! Dean hadn’t to find out. She looked for it again in her room: nothing in the closet, nothing under the bed, nothing on her desk. The stupid phon wasn’t anywhere. She entered in Dean’s room, just to check if it was there. Dean didn’t want her to go in his room while he was out on a hunt (probably because he didn’t want her to find his special magazines or slices of pie), so she had to do it quickly before he went back. She slipped under the bed, opened the closet, the drawers, but still nothing. Where was it? But then she heard it. She heard the front door of the bunker, Sam was talking while Dean was laughing (and it was the best sound in the world). One only issue: she had to find the phon and run away from his room as soon as possible, so she couldn’t enjoy it. Then, she saw it. Panicking, she slipped under the desk and grabbed the stupid phon.

    << Jane! >> Dean called. << Jane? >>


    Jane threw the phon under his bed, then jumped on the mattress and she puts herself in a provocative pose, pretending to be there like a sort of “gift” after the hunt. She had never done that, but desperation makes people do dumb things.

    Dean entered in the room and looked at her confused, one of his eyebrows raised up.

    << Jane? >>

    << Hello, stranger. >> she said, in a low and seducing tone of voice. << I was waiting for you. >>

    Dean nodded, putting his bag full of guns on the floor. Jane really wanted the plan not to sail, because she was tired and she still had to dry her hair or she would have taken a cold very soon. Dean smiled at her, walking straight ahead to get closer to her, until his breath mingled with hers. Jane felt her heart beat faster and faster at every glance, everytime he moistened his lips looking at her; she even saw the lust, the desire in his eyes and that contribuited to make the situation weirder, but also hot. She just wanted to kiss every inch of his body: neck, lips, cheeks, collarbone, everything.

    << Jane, now you and I… >>

    << Yes, I agree. >> she immediately said.

    << …will talk about something called: personal space. Something you don’t have. >> he kept saying. Jane bite her bottom lip.

    << You did this on purpose, right? You saw the phon. >>

    << Yeah, I saw the phon. >>

    Jane stood up from the bed and took her phon, visibly blushing because her plan didn’t work.

    << Are you angry? >>

    << Did you eat my pie? >> he asked.

    << No. >>

    << I’m not angry, then. >>

    << Good. >>

    So she got out from his room and got back in hers.

    They ate all together, Sam, Dean and her. Everything was okay that night, like the days before it and that gave her peace, somehow. It was like the pieces of the puzzle were putting themselves in their places. Maybe now she could talk to Dean about what she thought. Sam was sitting at the table with his laptop, when Dean called her.

    << We leave for a walk, okay Sammy? >>

    << Yeah, no problem. >>

    Jane went upstairs and they went out from the bunker. There were stars sparkling in the dark blue sky, but the moon was illuminated Dean’s eyes and they were so green that night, she couldn’t avoid to sink into them. He was tired, she knew it, but he was also kind of relaxed. His muscles showed up under his laid shirt, the line of his collarbone was painted on his skin and his veins looked blue. Dean stopped next to a big stone, motioning her to sit there.

    << Is there something you wanna talk about or you just do it with all the girls? >>

    Dean smirked.

    << Not all of them. Just with the badass huntress that can kick my ass if I try to kiss them without their consent. >>

    << I apologised for that time. I didn’t want you to kiss me just to pretend we were a couple during that hunt. >>

    << I understood it, Jane. It’s not a problem, I was just kidding. >>

    Jane smiled and oh, she was very beautiful when she did it. Dean did never tell her that, because he didn’t like to feel weak, to show his feelings to the others, but she understood him anyway. She didn’t want to get rush with him, she never did and he respected her as well.

    << Dean, there’s something I have to tell you. >> she said, torching her hands.

    << What happened? Is it bad? >>

    << No, >> she replied, almost laughing, << it’s just… an idea, but I’ve been thinking about it for months. Look, the hunts are good now and easy for us that got used to them, so I thought… maybe it’s time to let go. >> she said, looking at Dean worried. He had been a hunter for his entire life, she didn’t have the right to ask him that, but she was tired of getting concerned about him dying, because now the thought of losing him was a burden and she couldn’t stand to be divided from him. Not again. << We have been together for a long time now and after what happened with Amara… Dean, maybe I could appear selfish, but I don’t want to lose you anymore. It hurts too much. >> she replied, with the tears burning behind her eyes.

    Dean looked at the ground, thinking. He had been a hunter since the day he was born, since his father told him how to take a gun in his hands or to watch out for Sammy. Yes, the thought of letting everything go crossed his mind sometimes, but at the end, he got back everytime. But when he looked in her eyes, he was able to see the future, to see something beyond the hunter’s life, too see a real family, to see peace.

    << Do you remember the first time we had been together? The very first time, in my room. >> he asked, breaking the silence. She nodded. << That night you were laying on my chest and you looked at me so intensely, that I got to ask: “What’s wrong?” and you answered: “Nothing, I just wanted to remember this moment”. You know, you weren’t looking around, you were just looking at my eyes and I was so mesmerized by your calm, that for the very first time I felt peace. I found peace with you, in that moment, in my own room. It was something I never had. >>

    Jane had her eyes wet with tears.

    << You don’t have to say you love me, if you don’t want to. >>

    Dean smiled at her, he smiled so bright that the stars were just a little candle in front of him.

    << You know I don’t say it. I never got used to say it. So I’ll say this: if this is my way to find peace, I will pursue it. Because after everything we had been through, I understood that I want you to stand by me, always. I want to be good in this world, because you inspire me to do that. And if I have to die, I want to have you by my side. I’d rather have you, than anyone else, next to me. >>

    Jane couldn’t stop the tears anymore, now. So she ran into his arms and hugged him, resting her head on his chest, listening to the voice of the wind in the night. He didn’t say he loved her, but that declaration was worth more than every “I love you” she could ever get from Dean.

    They went back to the bunker, without knowing what was expecting them. Castiel and Sam looked concerned. A lot, concerned. In the middle of the night. Nothing good was in the air, for sure.

    << Cas? What happened? >> Dean asked, going downstairs.

    << Dean, sit down. >> Sam said, biting his nails.

    << Tell me what’s going on. >>

    Cas took a deep breath, then talked.

    << The night you surrendered to Amara, someone opened the doors of Hell. Someone that we didn’t think we’d see again. >>

    << Someone who? >>

    Cas gulped.

    << Lucifer. >> he answered. Jane froze on her place, paralysed. << Lucifer’s back. >>

    Jane got up the next morning with the feeling that something was missing. She remembered Dean’s words, his beautiful eyes… but then, she recognized the place. She was in Dean’s room. Oh. Yeah, the other night Cas told them about Lucifer’s return and she was so scared, that she had to ask Dean to sleep next to him. She got up from the bed, snorting. They never got to enjoy something. There was always a concern.

    The door opened and revealed Dean in a black t - shirt and boxers with two little boxes of pie.

    << Goodmorning, princess. >> he said, smiling. Jane laughed, forgetting for a moment that the devil was back.

    << You know what? I could get used to it. >>

    << To what? >> he asked, sitting on the bed.

    << To you that bring me pie in boxers. >> she replied, checking him out.

    Dean smirked, getting closer to her.

    << What about leaving the pie for later? >>

    << I thought you’d never asked. >> Jane replied and then Dean held her, kissing her so passionately, that it was like she could feel the fireworks all over her body.

    The door opened in that moment, showing a confused and embarassed Castiel. Dean and Jane immediately came back to sit on the edge of the bed - Dean annoyed and Jane adjusting her hair.

    << What can we do for you, Cas? >> Dean asked, disturbed.

    << Well… I’m sorry to bother you, but there’s someone in the living room that wants to see we all. >>

    << Who’s this? >>

    << Just… come. Oh and wear pants. >> Castiel said, before he went out.

    Dean snorted, looking at the door.

    << I’m okay if you want to keep them. >> Jane replied, referring to his boxers. Dean clucked, narrowing his eyes. Jane shrugged. << Just sayin’. >>

    They went to the living room after Dean had changed. The first thing they saw was Sam talking with Crowley, while Castiel was listening. Jane couldn’t believe it.    

    << What is he doing here? >> Dean asked on the defensive, doing a movement to take the gun, but it wasn’t in its place.

    << Hello, Dean. What a pleasure to see you. >> Crowley replied, ironic.

    << Don’t make me talk, Crowley. Why aren’t you in your kind of kingdom with your slaves? >>

    << Careful, Dean. I’m here to talk. >>

    << Hey, Crowley. Dean is just nervous about Lucifer’s return. Don’t take it personal. >> Jane said.

    << Speaking of which, I’d like to share something with you. >> he answered.

    << Someone bring a lot of alcohol, I’m not drunk enough to listen to this. >> Dean said, sitting on his usual chair.

    Jane sat next to him, while Sam was in front of them; Castiel had his hands leaned on the table behind him, Crowley was drinking a glass of Whiskey near him.

    << Lucifer is back and he probably wants my throne, so… >>

    << And that’s bad? >> Dean asked ironically, raising one of his eyebrows. Jane chuckled.

    << Yeah, that’s bad, Dean. I think you prefer the evil you know, upon the unknown evil. Oh, also Lucifer could destroy the world, but it’s not that bad, right? >> Crowley replied. Dean rolled his eyes. << Well, now we can talk like real adults. My demons told me that Lucifer opened the doors of Hell while Amara was trying to end the world, before your sacrifice. >> Crowley began to say. Jane looked at the ground while he was saying that and Dean catched her change of mood. << Now he basically wants an army of demons, my demons, to make his plan work. >>

    << What’s the plan? >> Sam asked.

    << I don’t know. What I know? Lucifer needs to be stopped. >>

    << I thought that he was with us, now. >> Jane replied. << You know, after Amara… >> something blocked her. She gulped. << I thought he didn’t want this world to crumble anymore. >>

    Castiel shaked his head.

    << Jane, we’re talking about Lucifer. He’s not someone we can trust. >>

    << Yet, you said Yes to him. >> Dean stated, bitterly.

    << I thought it was the best choice we had. >>

    << Okay, guys, we already talked about this. >> Sam declared and stood up. << Now we just have to find him. >>

    << I have a couple of ideas about that. >> Crowley said. << I suggest to torture some demons and interrogate them. They’ll talk. >>

    << You do that, we’ll do some research. >> Dean claimed.

    << I’ll ask to angels if they know something. >> Castiel responded, then he disappeared.

    << Looks like we have work to do. >> Dean speaked. Crowley disappeared too. << Jane, can I talk to you for a moment? >>

    Jane nodded. Sam brought the laptop to his room, leaving them alone. Dean looked at her, thinking how to give voice to his questions. They had already told about what Amara did to him, about his being attracted to her and how much that made Jane suffer, but everytime the subject came back, she seemed hurt. That wasn’t even the real issue and Dean knew that.

    << Do you want to talk about that? >>

    << About what? >>

    << About that night. >> he replied.

    Fragments passed through her eyes. Pieces of her memories. Her tears, her choked Don’t go in the throat, their lips crushed one against one another, his last smile, his It’s okay, her heart that broke like a glass of water, her knees bleeding out on the ground, her screams, the last time she thought she would have held him tight, so tight her knuckles whitened.

    << No, I don’t. >> she said, her arms crossed.

    << Jane… >>

    << I thought I had lost you, Dean. >> she began. << I thought… I would have never seen you again and I was devastated. You always think: “How can you possibily love someone?” I mean, how can you understand that there is no one you can love more than that person? But I knew. I knew I couldn’t have loved someone more than you and this killed me in the inside. I lost you that night and my heart died with you. >> she explained. Dean’s eyes were bright of tears. << Then you come back and I think that maybe - Chuck help me for this - maybe there was still hope. But right now, I don’t think there is. I think we all are gonna die. >>

    Dean took a step forward to get closer to her.

    << No, we’ll make it. We’ll live happily ever after, I promise you. >>

    Jane shaked her head, with a bitter smile on her face.

    << Your fairy tails are all lies, Dean. >> Jane replied, then caressed his shoulder and went to her room.

    Lebanon, Kansas. Three days ago.

    Still nothing. Almost two weeks and they had nothing. The demons didn’t want to talk, the angels didn’t know a damn thing and they were still looking for a way to lock Lucifer somewhere without risks. There wasn’t anything to do.

    << We just have to die! >> Jane screamed, exhausted, throwing a book across the living room.  

    << Baby, calm down. >> Dean said, looking for something on the laptop. He always called her with the name of his car and she kinda liked it, but she couldn’t appreciate it that time. << We’ll find something. >>

    << I can’t understand why you are so quiet about this. When Amara wanted to end the world, you got drunk. >> she reminded him.

    << This time will be different. >>

    << How? >>

    << Stop fighting, I’m calling Castiel. He said it’s an emergency. >> Sam intromitted, talking with the phone near his ear. << Cas? What’s up? What? He’s coming, he… >>

    He couldn’t finish the sentence, because in that moment, a fallen angel appeared into their living room. He looked tired, his skin was falling apart like an old paint, but his eyes were burning like the Hell’s flames.

    << Looks like the party can begin. >> he said.

    Dean grabbed the gun instantly, standing between Jane and Lucifer. Sam had his demon knife, while she had her usual gun. Lucifer smiled, looking almost happy. Castiel appeared a minute later, shocked.

    << Lucifer. >> Cas said.

    << Hello, brother. I just have something to say to exculpate myself. This is gonna surprise you, so don’t get mad. >> he explained. Dean had still the gun pointed at him, ready to try to stop him for a second before they could run. << I didn’t open the Hell’s doors. The demons did. >>

    << Liar. >> Jane asserted, angrily.

    << I know, this is a plot twist you didn’t expect, but hey, I’m the devil. People always blame me for their bad behaviour, but I think that monsters are human and they don’t live underground. >>

    Dean loaded the gun.

    << What do they want? >>

    << They’re messing with Crowley in Hell, like in a rebellion. Why do you think he’s not here? He’s trying to rule a destroyed kingdom. >>

    << What do you want? >> Sam asked.

    << I want to help you. >> he replied. << I will help to stop the rebellion. >>

    << Okay, let’s jump to the part in which you say what you want in return. You know, a deal with the devil… >> Dean added.

    << How polite from you, Dean. Well, of course I want something in return. I just want Crowley’s throne. I promise I won’t bother you. >> Lucifer responded. << Think about it, okay? >>

    And then, Lucifer was gone in a snap.

    << This is gonna be the end of the world. >> Jane commented, sitting on the chair.

    << We have to sell Crowley out. >> Sam said. << Right? I mean, that’s the only thing we can do, since we haven’t found anything that could help us. >>

    << We still have time. Just try to look in some of your big and old books. >> Dean said.

    << Dean, we can’t do anything, this time. My father doesn’t want to interfere in humans’ questions. >> Castiel reminded him.

    Dean shaked his head.

    << What? Are you going to surrender? >>

    << We can’t defeat the devil, Dean. The last time we tried, I got locked in the cage with him. >> Sam replied.

    << You’re still angry with Crowley for the “demon Dean story”, but he helped us more than Lucifer ever could. Crowley is evil, but Lucifer is more evil. >>

    << Why are you so damn positive about the whole situation, Dean? >> Jane asked, standing up. << How can you not think that we’re gonna die, if we don’t accept his terms? >>

    << Because I still have hope! >> Dean shouted. Everyone remained silent, shocked. << I mean, after Amara, everything was okay. For once, I saw a future in which I didn’t die, in which I wasn’t a hunter, in which I had a family… with you. >> he said, looking in her eyes. Jane’s bottom lip trembled for a second.

    She didn’t think about it, she was too selfish or too busy to understand what was going on into his mind. She felt horrible. Dean clenched his jaw, then he took his jacket and went out from the bunker.

    It was raining, when Jane went out to follow Dean. He was walking on the empty road, without even an umbrella - like her, after all. The night had come, the landscape was covered by the darkness’ blanket and the moon was the only light they could see. Her footsteps made noise on the asphalt. She reached him and kept walking nex to him, stretching up.

    << Dean, I’m sorry. >>

    << Don’t be. >> he replied.

    << No, listen to me. >> she said, stopping and turning him for a shoulder. He had two shadows under his eyes, a little circled in red because of the tiredness. He looked older than he was, with the world on his shoulders like a burden, as always. She perpetually said to him that she would have carried it with him, but now she didn’t help him to do it. She let him sink alone. << Dean, I see a future with you. I want that future, oh I want it so bad it hurts sometimes, but something tries to take it away from us everytime. >>

    Dean took her hands into his.

    << Are you scared? >>

    She looked into his eyes, his green and beautiful eyes, remembering the first time she met him. He basically fell on her while they were on a hunt and she almost punched him for that. Then he used some dumb pick - up lines on her and she left him alone on the case. But what tricked her was that he pretendend. He lied the whole time, hiding the truth. He was smart, brilliant, good at hunting, serious. So she gave him another chance. Well, it was during their first date that she fell for him for good. Sometimes she felt like she was falling for him more and more everyday.

    << No, I won’t be afraid. Just as long as you stand by me. >>

    Now everything could fall apart: the sky, the mountains should crumble and fall to the sea, she would have not shed a tear with Dean on her side. And if they had to die, they should have to die together this time.

    << Whenever you’re in trouble, any kind of trouble, just stand by me and everything will be alright. >> he said and she nodded.

    << Yeah. >>

    Dean didn’t know how to do it. He had not really prepared for that, he just believed that the moment would have never come. But now he saw something, a light at the end of the damn tunnel when he thought of dying. He wanted to be able to line up the thoughts, to tell her everything he felt for her, but he had never been good at words. So, simply, without beating about the bush and without frills, Dean knelt in front of her and opened the box. That was not any ring, it was his mother’s ring. He saw Jane react exactly as he had imagined in his dreams. She looked beautiful, even under the rain with wet hair and clothes. She put her hands in front of her mouth as if in prayer, looking first at him, then the ring. She was amazed, but her bright eyes also reflected her happiness.

    << Will you marry me? >> Dean asked, almost breathless.

    Jane exhaled air and her voice muffled by the lump in her throat. She couldn’t believe that Dean finally did it, after years of relationship, after everything they had been through, after the thought of losing him for good. He was there, he was real and he wasn’t going anywhere. So, eventually, trying not to crack her voice, she said: << Yes, I do. >>

    Dean then slipped the ring on her finger, got up and hugged her so hard that his knuckles whiten. He felt himself falling for a moment, at the thought that someone might take her away from his hands, remove her from his own skin, separate her from his own blood. So slowly broke away from her, still enjoying her happy expression, her red lips, her tousled hair like the first time they had been together. He looked into her eyes, took a strand of hair behind her ear and then kissed her. His lips crashed into hers. He kissed her as if it was the end of the world and they were going to die, he kissed her as if it were the last time he saw her, wandering her back with his fingers, as if he could feel closer to every inch of her skin. He leaned his forehead against hers, breathless.

    << I… >>

    << Don’t say it. >> she interrupted him. << You’ll say it to me when this story will be ended. Okay? >>

    Dean nodded.

    << Okay. >>


    Lebanon, Kansas. Present day.

    Dean followed him into the darkness. He checked his gun into his jeans, then kept walking. Hell was like he remembered: full of atrocious screams, brutality, pain, cold like ice in the corridors, hot like flames the more you got close to the king’s throne. Crowley’s throne. The throne Lucifer did not want.

    << You made the deal with the devil, at the end. >> Lucifer said, without even looking at him.

    << I did what I had to do. >>

    << You did it to protect your girlfriend. >> he replied. Dean didn’t say a word. << I heard you’re getting married. Congrats! Does she know that…? >>

    << Just shut up and walk. >>

    Lucifer did what Dean ordered. They came into Crowley’s room, looking for him, but he wasn’t there. It was like Dean could hear Jane’s voice that yelled him to run, to run away and don’t look back, but he couldn’t. He just had to face the consequences, now. Even if they were going to hurt.

    << I can’t believe you chose him. >> Crowley said, appearing into the room.

    << Don’t take it personal, okay? >> Dean replied.

    << You keep saying that, but I keep take it personal, instead. You betrayed me! I thought we were friends! >> Crowley yelled, angry.

    Dean gulped.

    << I’m sorry, Crowley, I really am, but I have someone to protect. >>

    << You can’t do anything to me. >> he said, calling his demons to him. Dean heard their footsteps behind him. << You can’t take me down, Lucifer. >>

    << One of us can. >> Lucifer claimed, with a smirk.

    Lucifer took care of the demons, while Dean were engaged in one - hand combat in with Crowley. He had the knife, but Crowley could always throw him in the air or against the wall, which hurt too. The unique thing that Dean could do was retrieve the gun that had fallen under the table.

    << Crowley, please, this is the only way to stop Lucifer! >>

    << Making him take my throne? Never! >>

    << No, that’s not what he wants! >>

    << And then what? >>

    Dean slid under the table, taking the gun. He pointed it at Crowley, the flaming red eyes staring at him. Dean tried to avoid thinking about the blood running down his chin, the cut on the thigh burning and threatening to rip in two his own skin. He only tried to mentally imagine his final, the family he wanted, the family he deserved. His happy ending.

    << I’m sorry, Crowley. >> Dean said, before he shot.

    The bullet trapped Crowley in the middle of the room, while the demons were falling down. Lucifer grinned, while Crowley was understanding that on the bullet was drawn the demon’s trap. He laughed, isterically.

    << I can’t believe it. >>

    << Dean, do it. >> Lucifer commanded.

    << If you don’t respect our deal… >>

    << I swear on my father that I won’t hurt you or Cas, or Sam or Jane. >> Lucifer pronounced, with a hand on his heart and another one in the air. << Now, do it. >>

    Dean gulped. He didn’t want to do it, he really didn’t, but it was his only chance to defend the people he cared about. He had sneaked out from his bed, gently kissed Jane while she was sleeping next to him and said goodbye to the bunker, to his life. He made a deal with Lucifer. He just had to say a simple word to save three people. It was not a big issue, wasn’t it? But it was heavy. That word was too heavy for him. Jane wouldn’t have carried the burden with him, this time. She would have stopped him. He had to say it, while Lucifer’s body was disintegrating. He agreed to let him appear into his body sometimes to say hi to Jane, but nothing more. It wasn’t real life, but it was something. It was all he could do. Although Lucifer wanted to rule Hell anyway with a little group of demons, while Crowley would have had just a tiny piece of it.

    Dean opened his mouth to talk, but something made him stop. He turned, looking at the way he came with Lucifer. He was sure he heard someone talking. Not demons. Someone familiar to him. Oh, no.

    << He’s a damn idiot! >> a female voice yelled.

    << Jane, shut up! >> someone whispered.

    << No, he has to listen to me! >> she screamed and then Dean saw her coming out of the hole, pointing her gun to him. Dean was worried, shocked, but also relieved to see her. He felt the tears burning behind his eyes. << I won’t give up on you! You hear me? I won’t give up on you! >> Jane screamed, her eyes moist of tears. << Don’t even think to leave me again, Dean Winchester. Don’t even try to do it. >>

    Dean looked at her, Sam and Castiel standing up on the edge of the door. He smiled through the tears, broken. They were there for him, to help him, but there was nothing they could do for him.

    << You don’t have to do this, Dean. >> Sam said.

    << I have to, Sammy. >>

    << I’ll say it for you, brother. I will. >>

    << No. >> Dean responded, firmly. << You won’t. >>

    << Dean, trust me. >> Jane said, taking a step forward. << Don’t do it. There’s another way. >>

    Lucifer laughed. His laugh was so empty of feelings, so faked, like a broken record. Dean was almost scared by that. Castiel looked at him like he was trying to say something to him with his eyes, but Dean didn’t get it. He just heard the sound of a thunder and it reminded him of the years spent in Hell.

    << I can’t say it tomorrow, Jane. >> he claimed and Jane looked him in the eyes.

    << Dean, I’m begging you, don’t do it. >> she replied, with cracked voice.

    << I lo… >>

    << I’m pregnant. >> she said and Dean felt like falling down. His eyes grew wide, while he was looking at her hand on her stomach.

    << Oh, I missed the drama between the Winchesters! >> Lucifer exclaimed.

    << You… >> Dean began, taking a step to get closer to her. << You didn’t tell me. >>

    << I’m telling you now. Remember that night, when we got drunk and slept in Sam’s room? >> she asked and Sam seemed disgusted. << Yeah, we were celebrating my birthday. >>

    Dean looked confused.

    << Your birthday? Your birthday is next month! >> Dean said. Castiel almost fainted. It was clear that Jane was trying to get some time borrowed from that unexpected revelation - a lie - and also to stop Dean’s words.  

    << You’re trying to buy some time you don’t have! >> Lucifer said, then flinged Jane against a wall, make her hit her head.

    << Jane! >> Dean screamed. << We had a deal, Lucifer! >>

    << I’m tired to make deals with you, Winchesters. You always find a way to break them. >>

    Then he called other demons, that began to fight against Sam and Castiel. Dean took the knife, but he already knew they hadn’t a chance against Lucifer and his demons. But he was sure of this: Sam had a plan. He just had to trust him. So he did it. He tried to avoid Lucifer’s strokes, but the scratch on his thigh began to bleed out again and his view was blurry. Lucifer threw him on the other part of the room, next to Jane. He got closer to her, caressing her cheek. She even seemed breathless.

    << If we should die, just stand by me. >> he whispered.

    He was about to close his eyes, while Lucifer was punching Sam in his stomach and Cas was trying to defeat ten demons together. They were about to lose. It was the end of the world. But where they were going without Death around? Then, he realized. The only one that could defeat Lucifer was…

    << Death. >> Cas said, looking at the figure now standing in the middle of the room in front of Crowley.

    << No, that’s not possible. Dean killed you. >> Lucifer replied.

    He shrugged.

    << You can’t kill death. You just avert it, but you can’t get rid of it. >> Death responded. << By the way, I’m just here because, when you evocated me with the ritual, you left some food to me. Oh, Sam, it was cold. Next time, let Dean choose it. >> he said. Sam gulped. << I’m helping you just because I’m not in a good relationship with Lucifer, but Dean, I’m still angry with you for our last meeting. The next time you’ll die, it will be your last. >>

    Then Death disappeared with Lucifer, leaving the Hell silent and empty. They remained all in their places for a couple of minutes, without saying a word. It was too much to believe. It was like a nightmare that became a dream. Dean was amazed.

    << Does someone want to free me, now? >> Crowley asked.


    Jane woke up in a bed, sweating. Where was she? Was she dead, in Paradise? Where was Dean? What happened? She almost panicked. Then she recognized the room. It was Dean’s room, in the bunker. Next to her, with his head laying between his arms, there was Dean, asleep. She took a deep breath, relieved. She stood up without wake him up, then she went to the living room. She found Sam, the bandages on his left cheek and his right arm.

    << Hey, you woke up. >> he said, smiling.

    << How much time did I sleep? >>

    << Two days. >> he answered. Her eyes grew wide. << Yeah, Dean was worried. He never left the chair next to you. >>

    << Yes, I saw him, but I didn’t want to wake him up. I think that he needed some sleep, after… Speaking of which, what happened? >>

    Sam chuckled.

    << Death arrived and saved the day, like we planned. >>
    << Thank Chuck. >> she said, relieved.

    << Chuck… Who knows if he saw it. Anyway, we’re all okay. Dean has still some bruises and you too, but it’s not something heavy. Castiel is checking Paradise, while Crowley is cleaning up the mess in Hell and punishing the demons that betrayed him. >>

    Jane crossed her arms.

    << So, why did Lucifer need Dean’s body? Why did he need Dean to say Yes to him? >>

    << Because his body was falling down and Dean was Michael’s best vessel once, so he knew that Dean was strong. He also knew that I would have never accepted the deal, but he had to. He had too much to lose and also, he always sacrifices himself to protect the people he loves. >>

    << Yeah, this is one of his flaws. >> Jane said, smiling.

    << Jane? >> Dean called, walking through the corridor, rubbing his eyes like a child. << Jane? >>

    Sam smiled at her, before he went upstairs and get out from the bunker. The world was saved again, once and for all. Finally they could have peace.

    << Hey, handsome. >> she replied, with a bright smile.

    He didn’t say anything, he just hugged her so tight she couldn’t even breathe, resting his head between her neck and collarbone. It was like he didn’t want to let her go forever. She breathed in the smell of his skin, while everything around them was calm and quiet. Then he looked into her eyes and it was like she fell in love again with him. Dean kissed her, making their lips meet slowly, while his fingers were getting up on her back, making her shiver.

    He locked his eyes into hers and smiled. He smiled for real, so bright and with such tenderness, it made her heart beat faster and faster. She perhaps blushed too.

    << I love you. >> he said with his hoarse voice and a sob slipped from her lips.

    << Till death do us apart. >> Jane replied, seriously and for a moment they felt like a princess and a prince of a fairy tail.

    Then they bursted into laughing, wondering if Death had listened to them.



    @bringmesomepie56 @deanreaderreblog @winchestersburger @devilfaraackles @impalapossible @chaos-and-the-calm67 @hasta-impalasta @faith-in-dean @i-like-your-assbutt @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @supernaturalismalife @stuck-in-a-fandom-hole :) 

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