Digital Baubles

About this site


Kelly Sue DeConnick.

I'm a writer, of comic books mostly. I live in Portland, OR, with my husband, writer Matt Fraction and our kids, Henry Leo and Tallulah Louise. Our company is called Milkfed Criminal Masterminds, Inc.

I don't sell my books directly, I'm afraid. Try your local comic book shop, or my Amazon Author Page. Digital comics? Find me on Comixology.

Representation: Jim Ehrich, Rothman Brecher Agency

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Silly Question. In your Marvel interview you say "Logan and the microwave popcorn. I actually bet he's a great cook." Do you think this is because of his heightened senses? Maybe he can perfectly flavor a dish? I love to think of the mundance uses of super powers.

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Yeah… I suspect Logan is a real sensualist.  It makes sense, doesn’t it?  


  1. wedgex said: I’ve become so tied to my coffee now all I can see is Logan and Carol bs'ing in the kitchen while they putter around each other with the vitamix for her kale and the Aeropress for his coffee.
  2. ardaniel said: A man with nigh-unlimited time and patience for the study of traditional Japanese arts has the unlimited time and patience for French onion soup.
  3. kellysue posted this