🦷🚨 Did you know that 40% of people don't have wisdom teeth? Lucky them! But if you're among the 60% who do, it's crucial to understand the potential risks associated with wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth, known as third molars, typically emerge between 17 and 25. Some grow in just fine; for others, they can become a real pain! Impacted wisdom teeth, those that don't fully emerge or grow in at an awkward angle, can cause a host of problems, including: -Pain and swelling -Infection and gum disease -Tooth decay and cavities -Damage to nearby teeth and jawbone -Cysts formation So, what should you be paying attention to? Watch for signs like persistent pain, inflammation, difficulty opening your mouth, or bad breath. Spanish Fork Dentistry is a full-service dental office, specializing in wisdom tooth removal. Please book your appointment today and let us help you stay wise about your wisdom teeth! 😁 #WisdomTeeth #SpanishForkDentistry #ToothPain #OralHealth #DentalCare #DesignsByCAS

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