Stupid demons🙄

Posted on 6 Oct 2016 11:37am (7 years ago) with 229 notes
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The Blogger

This is Kat, a Jensen!Addict and super protective Cas!girl

Need friends (´⌣`ΚƒΖͺ)

Bday: Jul 16

Destiel is love and
Cockles is real ❀

I make Manips, GIFs, and Icons.
Feel free to request!

The Blog

100% SPN Blog
Post a looot of Jensen & Misha & Destiel & Cockles

Will post #SPN spoilers
(Only tag for 3 days)

Will post #NSFW and (rarely) #wank

Hate Free
But with zero tolerence to haters


Also Love
(But don't post/reblog)

Criminal Minds
Harry Potter
Marvel | DC
Star Trek | Star Wars

Michael Fassbender is my Misha To Jensen & Cas to Dean

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Olicity | Spirk
Spideypool | Stucky
Cherik & Fassavoy


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β™• β™•

Honor Roll

This should be for BOTM but I'm currently too lazy for that.

Don’t pressure yourself. Don’t worry about what others think you should do or what the societal β€œnorm” is. Do what moves you and makes you smile and the β€œgood” will follow.
Life itself is worth living for. If you're not living the life that you want, you fight for that life.
No one’s gonna fool around with us

So glad to meet you

Angeles ❀