writing, dreaming
I write on AO3 under Alette. That's it.

2 sides of Park Jinwoo

  1. lily-blue reblogged this from alette-stars
  2. axelwolf8109 reblogged this from staytiny-angel and added:
    He’s so adorable and rappers really are the best (not hate to the others)
  3. staytiny-angel reblogged this from alette-stars and added:
    @axelwolf8109 He just…ruins my life he’s so cute an hot and my penchant for biasing rappers is undefeated
  4. sanhacatboy reblogged this from alette-stars
  5. jinned reblogged this from jinterlude
  6. jinterlude reblogged this from alette-stars and added:
    @jinned spreading the love
  7. h0shibrainr0t reblogged this from alette-stars
  8. iminfiresman reblogged this from moonbinny
  9. clefaerie reblogged this from alette-stars
  10. cats-lens reblogged this from alette-stars
  11. alette-stars posted this