Post Popular Mosts — Hi there! I'm just here to tell you about this...

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

Anonymous asked:

Hi there! I'm just here to tell you about this brilliant Sonic Forces Rewrite/Retelling Fanfic called 'Sonic Forces : the Finite Resistance' on Ao3! Despite being a Sonic Forces Retelling, it's actually become an amazing tale on it's own. The Author adds lots of their own clever headcanons and has surprises at every turn (Or maybe that's just me being dumb.). It's very well written, too, and gave me shivers and got me hyped! I really think you should read it in your free time :)

drawloverlala answered:

oh that sounds nice, maybe i’ll try give it a read in my spare time :)                    is this one right?

i’ll put the link here in case anyone else wants to read it too

thank you very much for sharing this with me ^_^


I’ll second this. Because NetRaptor.

Seriously, you guys, this is one of the best authors I’ve read in any context. She’s my go-to for “fanfic can be well-written.”

She’s also got some original YA books for sale on Smashwords and Amazon.

Anyway, this story. Takes the broken husk of a tale Sega rushed out with Sonic Forces and makes it real. Sonic’s got PTSD. The avatar character is way out of their depth. And Infinite is every bit the mind-screw he tries to be.

netraptor sonic the hedgehog fanfic rec

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