Best Post-Run Stretches

Stretching after a run is very important. It helps relieve tension and soreness, increases flexibility and helps prevents injury. 

Do these 6 Post-Run Stretches after your workout when your muscles are still warm. They will target your quads, calves, glutes, hamstrings, groin and hips.

NEVER stretch on cold muscles.

  1. Standing Quad Stretch - 2 sets of 30 second holds on both legs
  2. Straight Leg Calf Stretch - 2 sets of 30 second holds on both legs
  3. Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch - 2 sets of 30 second holds on both legs
  4. Hamstring Stretch - 2 sets of 30 second holds on both legs
  5. Glute Stretch - 2 sets of 30 second holds on both legs
  6. Butterfly Stretch - 2 sets of 30 second holds

Click on the name of each stretch to see a video demo.

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