What Happens Next: A Gallimaufry

melancholic romantic comic cynic. bi & genderqueer. fantasy writer.

“ upallnightogetloki:
“ zubat:
“ Cop shootings by race/per million: 1.47 white people vs 31.17 black people. And people really want to believe that the outrage is simply over one murdered black teenager.
For anyone wondering how many...




Cop shootings by race/per million: 1.47 white people vs 31.17 black people. And people really want to believe that the outrage is simply over one murdered black teenager.

For anyone wondering how many people that amounts to, the current US population is at 316 million people. So- rounded to the nearest whole number, cops shot 465 white teens & young adults vs. 9850 black teens & young adults in a 3 year period (2010-2012).

in other words, black teens age 15-19 are 21 times more likely to be shot by police than whites are.

(via living-for-fiction)

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