What Happens Next: A Gallimaufry

melancholic romantic comic cynic. bi & genderqueer. fantasy writer.




Writer Judith Tarr could really use some help:


Right now I do not know how I’m going to feed the horses for the rest of the month. I have managed to scrape out enough to pay for the last load of hay (if that late check finally gets here), but once it’s eaten, which it will be in about ten days, I don’t know what I’m going to do. The farm will be gone by midsummer unless I find a steady source of sufficient income. I’ve been hustling like a hustling thing but so far with minimal results. The market does not want either me or the horses. The horses are all old and therefore retired and unsalable, or else would require thousands of dollars’ worth of training and show fees to have any sale value. No one can take them. The market is saturated with unwanted horses and the rescues are overloaded. I am over 60, hearing impaired (ergo, unable to use the phone), and with chronic fatigue syndrome which makes office or minimum-wage work difficult to impossible. And minimum wage would not support the animals, let alone me. All my income streams from backlist books, editing, writing, etc. have shrunk to a trickle or dried up. No one has booked a Camp in over a year.

You can sponsor or partially sponsor one of the horses (details here: http://dancinghorse.livejournal.com/330335.html)

She has a Patreon for fiction here: http://dancinghorse.livejournal.com/330335.html

And a sale on editing and book mentoring services and Horse Camp here: http://dancinghorse.livejournal.com/330113.html

Please signal boost.

Adding a link to the author’s page on Amazon. If you want to help but don’t like making donations, you might consider buying one of her books!

Please help, even just a little, if you can.

signal boost!

(via dduane)

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