What Happens Next: A Gallimaufry

melancholic romantic comic cynic. bi & genderqueer. fantasy writer.


suddenly, hogwarts AU and everyone is babies??! idk it’s out of my system now don’t tell me to draw anyone else or argue with me about house choices it’s done i’m going to bed now!!!!

OK so this is gorgeous fanart which I love BUT as per the ancient ways I must politely disagree about certain house placements because (as do we all) I have Feelings about this. Namely:

- Dorian is a Ravenclaw. Yes, he’s incredibly brave, so I get the Gryffindor angle, but his entire personality is defined by the search for knowledge. Constantly asking questions, researching esoteric and potentially dangerous crap for its own sake, getting excited about ancient cultures and languages, literally dwells in a library with books strewn all over the place because his system is organised chaos? Textbook Ravenclaw.

- Cassandra is a Hufflepuff. Yes, she’s also brave, but she doesn’t care about valour for its own sake, valour as performance. She’s a dedicated hard worker who consistently shows willing to learn from her mistakes, her natural conservatism matched by a broader empathy because she really does listen and learn from others, even when it would be easier to stick to what she knows (or thinks she knows) already. Cassandra is the Hufflepuff we should all aspire to be.

- Bull, by contrast, is all about valour as performance, and is therefore a Gryffindor. Yes, he’s also hardworking and kind, but underneath all the Qun bullshit, one of the truest things about his personality is a love of doing dramatic dumb shit for the hell of it, then getting drunk and telling stories about it later. Bull and Lee Jordan would 100% be kindred spirits who totally bone at some point hang out pranking everyone with Sera and the Weasleys.

- Cole is a Hufflepuff. He’s literally a spirit of compassion - his entire drive is to help people before all else, and while he certainly learns a lot in the process, it’s knowledge born of necessity, not for its own sake.

- Leliana is a Slytherin. Literally this is someone who, once upon a time, imagined she was hearing the voice of the Maker so that people would treat her with more respect and awe. She’s ambitious, ruthless and all about power, and while you can soften her into a more compassionate person, she’s still consistently interested in advancement.

- Solas is a goddamn hatstall. Like I am 50/50% on whether he should be Slytherin or Ravenclaw, because his arc is defined by ambition (and he’s also hella snobby about race and bloodlines, so Old School Slytherin there) but he’s also a total fucking research nerd. I feel like he’d put on the Sorting Hat and it would hiss at him.

THAT BEING SAID, I absolutely agree that Sera, Blackwall and Cullen are Gryffindors, that Varric is a Hufflepuff, and that Vivienne and Josie are Slytherins, A+ to all!

And I really love the art!

(via vassraptor)

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