A Pleasant Surprise for FFXV Fans

I had just finished listening to one Dan Bull’s widely received video game raps when I had the idea that maybe some fans have made similar things for my personal favorite series, Final Fantasy. As I scrolled through the results of my “Final Fantasy Rap” YouTube search, I came across a pleasant surprise.

 A YouTuber by the name of El Cheapo Games constructed a chill rap called “Regalia” that details the roadtrip experienced by Final Fantasy XV’s main characters Ignis, Noctis, Prompto, and Gladio. As the video started, I expected a heavy rap infused with the tension and despair that is prevalent in Square Enix’s newest action RPG. Instead, El Cheapo, known otherwise by Jake Lionheart, presented a relaxing and alluring telling of four best friends set out to save their homeland. The unique rhythm and piano incorporated into the song perfectly captures the intimacy and timeless journey of a king and his closest companions. 

Upon contacting Lionheart on how astonishing the track is, the artist sent a link to their bandcamp which revealed an 8 track mixtape dedicated specifically to the adventures of the memorable characters that belong to Final Fantasy XV. These eight chill raps full of deep emotions and borderline character studies are not soon to disappoint. This mixtape, titled “The Cure for Insomnia: an FFXV mixtape”, is free and a must hear for any Final Fantasy XV fan.


Art credit: https://calmality.deviantart.com/gallery/

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