Requested Imagine: being an avenger and having the ability to time travel and you decide to bring Steve back to the 40s so they could have their final dance (like what Peggy was talking about) and after some time of seeing the reader by themselves they go and ask the reader for a dance or something fluffy, please. Anonymous
A/N I got a little carried away with this one…

“Hurry up, Rogers,” you say with a smile. He comes out wearing his old uniform with a grin. You can tell what hides behind that grin, but none of you mention it. Not with the Bucky situation or the SHIELD situation. He needs a pleasant break so therefore he’s going to practice with you. 

“Are you looking forward to watching me epically fail?” you ask starting up a conversation. He laughs looking at you. 

“I can’t really know if you failed though. I won’t remember, will I?” he asks, and you can’t exactly argue with that. The rest of the trip is playful banter, but once you’re in the training room things get serious. You have yet to properly learn your ability to time travel, but practice makes perfect, right?

“You ready?” you ask excited for this opportunity. 

“Which year are we betting on?” he asks putting his arm around you. The two of you have always been very friendly with each other, but it’s never gone beyond that. 

“It’s a surprise,” you say shaking his arm off to grab both his hands. Steve closes his eyes as he’s used to the procedure by now, and you close your eyes as well. You’ve never really figured out how you manage to go through time and space, but you have found that if you focus hard enough on a year, you travel to that year. So you focus on 1945 as hard as you can. And thankfully when you open your eyes, you’re both standing on a road in the middle of the night in a completely different America. Next to you is the bar where you know Peggy will be. 

“Why did you bring me back to this year?” Steve asks all banter gone from his voice. 

“Because you owe someone a dance. Or someone owes you a dance, I’m not really sure,” you say with a smile careful not to push Steve over the edge. 

“I never thought I’d be back here,” he whispers looking around at all the buildings. 

“I never thought I could travel this far back in time, but here we are. Now go and get that dance,” you say and push him towards the bar. It’s a military bar for soldiers and military people, so it only makes sense that Steve is wearing his uniform. 

“Is this why I needed to wear my uniform?” he asks and you just nod. Heading inside he looks back at you and mouths ‘thank you’. If you’re not completely mistaken you even see some tears in his eyes. Slowly you trace his steps and head inside. There you see him dancing, and you can’t help but smile. It’s lovely seeing Steve smile for real. You sit down in the corner careful not to interact with someone. You wouldn’t want to change the line of history. It’s not until the end of the night Steve comes over. 

“Will you be my last dance for tonight?” he asks holding out his hand. 

“I thought you’d never ask,” you say grabbing it and letting him lead you onto the dance floor. The song changes into something slower, and you lean closer to slow dance. 

“Thank you, Y/N. I needed this.”