© everlark
Watching Mystery Spot
Does anyone else crack up when Dean eats the tacos? I think I went back and watched that part about 5 times and couldn’t stop laughing.

Watching Mystery Spot

Does anyone else crack up when Dean eats the tacos? I think I went back and watched that part about 5 times and couldn’t stop laughing. 

  ·  supernatural  ·  mystery spot  ·  dean  ·  tacos  ·  it's tuesday  ·  18  ·

  1. dearjuliene reblogged this from sansastarkiscoming
  2. deathbylapdances reblogged this from sansastarkiscoming and added:
    I couldn’t stop laughing through most of Dean dying but I was sad when Sammy had to live without him for those few...
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