
** Justin Bieber Imagine**


You and Justin had been living together for a few months.  You really enjoyed being in his  company.  As much as you liked it being just you and him you wanted a another addition. You wanted a dog and you knew Justin wanted a dog too. While Justin was out for the day you decided to go out and get a puppy.  You went to the nearest pet store and found the cutest Yorkie puppy. The store clerk asked you what you wanted to name her but you decided to leave that up to Justin. You got all the necessities for the dog and headed back home. Justin texted you on the way out of the pet store because paparazzi had gotten photos of you. Luckily they had gotten pictures after the puppy was already in the car and your cover wasn’t blown. You texted Justin back that you were just running errands. 

Once you got home you set up all of the dogs stuff and played with her until you heard Justin unlock the door. You ran to the bedroom with the and waited to surprise Justin. 

“ Y/n? Are you here? Y/n whats all this dog stuff?” Justin called 

You could hear his voice get louder as he approached the room.  He opened the door and you yelled surprise.  

His face lit up “ You got us a puppy?!” 

“ Yeah, what do you want to name her ?” You smiled handing her to him

“ Ummm..” The puppy licked his face.. “ I like Esther. What do you think?” 

You grinned at him  “ If you like it, I like it.”

“ I love her already” Just got a ball and started playing with her


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