12x23 | All Along the Watchtower

I love, love, love the acting choices Mark made in this scene. In the script, what we have is mainly a dialogue between Sam and Crowley, with Sam asking all the important questions. Yet Crowley is mainly looking at Dean. (And also moves closer to him, never mind that Dean is still holding Ruby’s knife!) The “I hate it” thus sounds like a personal confession, the “forgive my transgression” like a person plea for forgiveness from the one person Crowley cares about. And that’s beautiful.

posted 6 years ago @ 08 Oct 2017 with 4,230 notes
xspnedit xsupernatural xcrowley xdean winchester xdean x crowley xseason 12 xspn 12x23 xmy gifs xmetaish thoughts xmark sheppard deserves better
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