The smell of snow, buck-a-tree, candy cane coffee, Santa’s dry cleaning…

In celebration of the revival && this amazing Gilmore filled year we’ve had, some very talented creators and myself are gifting you all with #AGilmoreChristmas advent calendar! Each day in December up till Christmas a new gift will be released. Everything from Fanfic, GIFS, Icons, Vids, Artwork && more! You can find the calendar here, be sure to bookmark it and unlock 25 days of Gilmore Gifts!

Since the gifts are for you, we want your input! Have a prompt for a fic? A moment you’ve always wanted GIF’d? An icon request? Give us anything && everything! Make sure to vote here and let us know what you’d like to see created! Voting will close Nov 28th.

Look forward to seeing you all at Weston’s for a cup of Candy Cane Coffee!

  1. alspancakeworld added this GIF to a post
  2. word-bug added this GIF to a post
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  10. youvejustbeengilmored reblogged this from alspancakeworld and added:
    Hey, all my lovelies! Make sure to watch out for this awesome event next month!
  11. alspancakeworld reblogged this from alspancakeworld and added:
    Last Day to Vote is tomorrow!! We have some incredible creations coming at you!!
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