Eric Desmarais Author and Aspiring Something
““Maybe you’ve heard about Canada’s residential schools,” Brienne explains. “They were boarding schools on or near reservation land. They were run by nuns and priests of the Catholic Church, with the goal of ‘beating the Indian out of the...


“Maybe you’ve heard about Canada’s residential schools,” Brienne explains. “They were boarding schools on or near reservation land. They were run by nuns and priests of the Catholic Church, with the goal of ‘beating the Indian out of the child’ by erasing their language and culture. I’ve heard stories all my life about these places from my mom and teachers, most of whom were survivors of residential schools, the last of which closed down in 1996.”

“Survivors” is really the right word here, seeing as anywhere between 4,000 and 6,000 Native American children died at residential schools from malnutrition, disease, and … “science experiments”?

No, not due to poor lab safety conditions and out-of-control baking soda volcanoes. We’re talking children being experimented on – like a YA dystopian novel, but without all the playful fashion.

“My dad and his family managed to avoid residential schools by hiding in the woods whenever officials came around,” Brienne continues. “I’m not sure if he even has an official birth certificate because of that … I’ve also met older teens who went to residential schools, and it blows my mind that people who grew up in the era of Pogs and Furbies had the dubious honor of experiencing state-instituted cultural genocide.”

3 Insane Realities Of Life On A Modern Indian Reservation


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