My Writing Process Blog Hop

There are throngs of generous writers who connect with the world through social media outlets. Frequently, these book authors, reviewers and blog gurus offer other writers their expert guidance on everything from technical accuracy and content strategy to creating suspense and getting published. (They’d probably even share Granny’s special apple pie recipe if you asked for it.)

Many established writers even take an interest in the creativity and methodology of newbies like me. One such writer, Angela M. Caldwell, was participating in this Writing Process Blog Hop as a way to share writing insights through a short questionnaire, and she suggested I do the same.  

Here are Angela’s Blog Hop answers. And, these are mine:

  1. What are you working on right now?

I’m working on my first novel, a work of historical fiction that may also be categorized as NA. I don’t want to give away too much, but it takes place in the American South, post-World War I, and might just include a little romance.

  1. How does your work differ from others in the genre?

Don’t quote me on this! But, I think this book is going to speak to a slightly younger audience than most historical fiction that’s currently on the shelf. It’s not exactly YA, but it’s also “not your mamma’s” historical fiction.

  1. Why do you write?

Two reasons. The first is that, like reading, writing allows me to escape into a different world crafted by imagination, be it a fantasy, another period in time or just an alternate reality from my own. I think this quote by George R.R. Martin expresses it well:  


The second reason is that I like to entertain and engage. I enjoy making people smile, cry cathartic tears or laugh so hard that they burn calories. Some of the most enriching experiences in my life began when I opened a book. As an author, if I can pay that forward to even one person, I’ll consider myself blessed.

  1. How does your writing process work?

This is an exciting time for me, and not just because I’m trying to balance this project with the responsibilities of a day job and raising my lunatic offspring! Because “life” gets in the way, my process isn’t always what I wish it were.

To summarize, the story is already completed in my head (step 1), so I am now in the process of getting it down on paper (step 2). During this stage of the process, I’ve learned that I must focus, first and foremost, on the STORY. Not the nuances, not the historical accuracy and not even the language itself.

Because my schedule is so demanding, I have only a few hours a week—usually late nights and lunch hours—to devote to writing. So, I have to make them count. I find that if I stick to the story and disregard anything that might trip me up with hours of research or unnecessary eloquence, the writing progresses at a good pace and in the right direction.

Of course, once I’ve gotten the story down, I’ll go back, fill in the blanks and edit the hell out of the first draft to ensure historical and literary integrity (step 3). Then, step 4 will be to secure an agent and a publisher.

Other than these steps, I can only say that I take copious notes in the car, at the office, at the dinner table and anywhere else I happen to be when ideas hit. In the chaos that is my life, I have to record ideas instantly or they go as quickly as they came. 

Lastly, but just as importantly, I READ every chance I get, even if it’s only for five minutes at a time. Reading, after all, is what first inspired me to write. And, the more I read, the better I write. That goes for anyone. 

Thank you for letting me share my journey with you.

I am passing my Blog Hop torch to the talented writers below. To read about their writing processes, click these links:

C.A. Guardiola, Blog Hopper: My Writing Process

Meda White, My Writing Process Blog Hop

Christa Wojo, Writing Process Blog Hop

amwriting amreading books literary genres writing process blog tour blog hop