When plaque turns to tartar it continues to build accumulatively on the teeth. This is the gateway to gum disease. As the tartar continues to accumulate, it pushes the gums away from the teeth creating small pockets where food debris and harmful bacteria can collect. You may not be aware that this is happening, because it happens slowly, and it is hard to see it particularly around your back teeth. When considering the costs associated with restorative dentistry, it makes sense to take preventive steps and have your teeth checked and cleaned professionally on a regular basis. Your hygienist will remove the debris and tartar and check for any pockets that may be developing so you can be aware of them and head off gingivitis before it has a chance to develop further. We can help keep your teeth and gums and oral health at their best. Call today and schedule a visit with Santaquin Dentistry for a thorough dental exam and professional cleaning. 801-658-0221 | www.santaquindentistry.com

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