
Dusty Dreams & Dirty Scars

"No tree, it is said,

can grow to Heaven,

unless its roots

reach down to Hell."

- Carl Jung

Dusty Dreams & Dirty Scars

Take me on a road trip

11x11 “Into the Mystic” // Sneak Peek (x)

The episode hasn’t even aired and I am drowning in emotions over these one and a half minutes of clip already. I don’t think anyone could have given Dean a better advice than this one to be honest. Someone telling Dean, the tin man, the one who “wants to experience things different than before and maybe even for the first time”, the one who craves touch and connection, the one who continuosly has been framed to want more than just hunting and more than just living from day to day over the past couple of seasons, exactly this: to listen to his emotions and let them lead the way and embrace them may just be the most beautiful thing.

Follow your heart, Dean Winchester. See where it leads you. Allow yourself to love and be loved.

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