
Dusty Dreams & Dirty Scars

"No tree, it is said,

can grow to Heaven,

unless its roots

reach down to Hell."

- Carl Jung

Dusty Dreams & Dirty Scars

Take me on a road trip

“ 12x13 “Family Feud”
Please raise your hand if…
…half your closet consists of plaid shirts. ✔
…you also look good in FBI suits. ✔
…you would like to order a drink, because in your line of work there is always a reason to drink. ✔
…you have been to...

12x13 “Family Feud”
Please raise your hand if…

…half your closet consists of plaid shirts. ✔
…you also look good in FBI suits.
…you would like to order a drink, because in your line of work there is always a reason to drink.
…you have been to Hell and back - literally and yet are still standing.

…you’re a freaking Winchester.

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