I wish I could have seen Alex’s reaction to their cheering

Look at his face in the first gif. At first I thought he looked resigned and annoyed, but looking closer he actually looks nervous.

Like he’s setting himself up for something, thinking “Here we go…”.
He’s expecting rejection, preparing himself for seeing their fear and distrust: getting ready for the inevitable seclusion and thinking this is the end of anything close to friendship he could have had with these people.

Alex’s power is aggressive, it kills people and hurts them. It’s not shapeshifting or wings. It’s burning hot plasma that he can’t completely control. Its dangerous, he’s dangerous. He knows it from unfortunate experience.

And then we have the group’s reaction. Which side from Hank, is laughter and clapping. They’re so happy and impressed. They’re not scared. Not calling him a freak. None of them are hurt. They’re just smiling: exhilarated and amazed by this incredible thing he can do.

I really wanted to see what Alex’s face when he saw them, because what’s the betting this was the first positive result of Alex’s powers.

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