WNDB is proud to announce that Phoebe Yeh, VP/Publisher of Crown Books for Young Readers/Random House, has acquired publication rights to a middle grade WNDB Anthology titled HEROES NEXT DOOR.  Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, Advisory Board Member of WNDB, will edit the anthology, which will have a Fall 2019 release date.

The anthology theme is “The Heroes Next Door.” It’s inspired by the everyday people who make big things happen, often in very small ways. What makes a hero? The 4th grader who stands up to the bullies in the cafeteria. The tween who helps an ESL classmate with homework after school. The girl who plays piano at a senior center, the anonymous gift-giver, the boy who reaches out to comfort a stranger, the athlete who wins despite losing the race. This anthology will focus on tales of ordinary people who do extraordinary things, and the individuals who just might be magic. These are the stories of the risk-takers, the friend-makers, the dreamers and doers. In ways big and small, their stories motivate, inspire, make us laugh, remind us of our humanity and our resilience. These are the stories of everyday superheroes in our midst, the ones in plain sight and those yet to be discovered.

The anthology will have one story reserved for a previously unpublished diverse author. WNDB will fill that slot via a short story contest. The winner will be included in the anthology and will receive a payment of $1,000.00 US.

Find out more on our website.

contest short story Heroes Next Door olugbemisola rhuday-perkovich

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