
Sarah | 22 | UK
Loves tv shows, films, history and art.
more info here

Muliti-fandom blog, commonly posts Doctor Who, Marvel, Star Wars and Got. As well as some other
currently watching:
Lucifer (s2)
Sherlock (S4)

Indigo Spell (Bloodlines series)

waiting for:
doctor who (S10) | Guardians of the Galaxy | Thor: Ragnarok | Game of Thrones
Gifset requests are open!
my fandoms are here.

Sarah | 24 | multi-fandom.

doctor who meme | Four brotps (¾)  Eleven, Amy and Rory

Amy and Rory. The Last Centurion and The Girl Who Waited. However dark it got, I’d turn around and there they’d be. If it’s time to go, remember what you’re leaving. Remember the best. My friends have always been the best of me.

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