Most people want to have that picture-perfect smile, the smile that looks good thanks to straight teeth. But, there are benefits not limited to appearance that can come from having straight teeth. 1. Healthy Teeth and Gums: Straight teeth provide little to no room for the buildup of plaque, giving us healthier teeth. 2. Undisturbed Eating: Straight teeth ensures that we have an improved bite, which improves oral health, and our digestive tract. 3. Effective Cleaning: Toothbrushes and floss are convenient tools in cleaning our teeth. 4. Well-Protected Teeth: With straight teeth, chances of having broken teeth are lowered, thanks to the natural protection which is our face. 5. Less Problems and Lower Bills: When our oral health is good we encounter less problems. This means that a visit to the dentist will be healthy AND economic! 6. Appearance: A good boost to our self-confidence is always helpful. • • • • • • • #straightteeth #oralhealth

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