Head Over Feels

We just have a lot of Feelings. headoverfeels.com


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THEN IT GOT WORSE. Claire offered Jamie a GENUINE apology. She knows he has a lot on his shoulders. She would share the burden if she could…but she CAN’T. They don’t live in a world where she can. And that sucks. But to say Claire was “indulging herself” AS HE TAKES HER HANDS OFF HIM? No. Absolutely not. I LOVE Jamie but he’s being a petulant child here and Claire RIGHTFULLY gets defensive. “I was helping people. But yes, that makes me feel good. Gives my day meaning.” Jamie’s all “WHAT ABOUT ME?” and I was basically throwing things at my television at this point. “I spend my days and nights wheedling and flattering a man so I can gain his secrets and undermine his cause. When do I get to feel good? When do I get to find meaning in my day?” Jamie’s frustrations are valid, don’t get me wrong. He’s miserable. He’s not where he wants to be and at this point he’s in too deep to just walk away now. But his misery and Claire’s should not be mutually exclusive. He should be happy that she’s found something that fulfills her but what it really does is just magnify his own misery. Jealousy is not a pretty color on you, James.

(via “I need a purpose.” - Outlander Recap - Useful Occupations and Deceptions)

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Source: headoverfeels.com

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