k-pop trash bin.
If you think you entered a serious blog, you can just leave.
~Please like/reblog my post if you plan using/ will use this gif~
I fangirled way to much, I`m trash.

~Please like/reblog my post if you plan using/ will use this gif~

I fangirled way to much, I`m trash.

Posted 8 years ago with 37 notes

#seventeen #jeonghan #seventeen jeonghan #angel #seventeen chocolate #kpop #fangirl #lip bite #pledis 17 #pledis seventeen #17 #i am dead #i am kpop trash #save me #blessed #gif #kpop gif #k-pop #seungkwan #woozi #dk #joshua #seventeen vocal unit #seventeen gif #jeonghan gif

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    I’m fangirling and screaming at my computer because of this angel and his angelic smile.
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