10 “Nice Guy” Phrases That Girls Are Sick of Hearing “ Okay, is there anything worse than a “nice guy“? Okay, sure, there are a few things like dying in a plane crash and getting charged $2 for guacamole in your burrito, but nice guys are pretty far...

10 “Nice Guy” Phrases That Girls Are Sick of Hearing

Okay, is there anything worse than a “nice guy“? Okay, sure, there are a few things like dying in a plane crash and getting charged $2 for guacamole in your burrito, but nice guys are pretty far up there on Nope list. What’s a nice guy? Let’s refresh: A nice guy is a dude who claims to be a great dude based on silly criteria like listening to their female friends (who they might have a crush on) talk about their problems or hold the door open for women at the mall. In reality, most self-proclaimed nice guys either want a pat on the back for being decent human beings or they’re delusional and just think they’re nice when they’re actually bitter jerks who complain about not being able to get girls to fall in love with them.

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