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It needed to be a gif and I didn’t see anyone else beat me to it, so…

Posted Apr 29, 2015 @ 5 pm with 142 notes
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  2. after-avenging-hours added this GIF to a post
  3. punk-chicken-radio added this GIF to a post
  4. waytoomuchinformation added this GIF to a post
  5. mar-gega added this GIF to a post
  6. agl03 added this GIF to a post
  7. captn-sara-holmes added this GIF to a post
  8. chanyeolspout added this GIF to a post
  9. chokemejimin added this GIF to a post
  10. kaibagirl007 added this GIF to a post
  11. dovesndecay added this GIF to a post
  12. directrcoulscn-blog added this GIF to a post
  13. marvelgirl82 reblogged this from fainiel
  14. tremoriisms-blog added this GIF to a post
  15. jesus-would-follow-me added this GIF to a post
  16. twistedsim added this GIF to a post
  17. lipstickstainedsmoke reblogged this from jezi-belle
  18. annick-annick reblogged this from phoenix
  19. cyclopsscott reblogged this from phoenix
  20. fainiel posted this