Discover the African Diaspora through Dash's eyes

24th May 2016

Photo with 50 notes

Ok stop it.
No really.
Dumb shit like this annoys me.
1) Not everyone is all three ancestries.
2) Folks keep promoting this fallacy of Latin America= mestizaje.Not everyone in Latin America, Puerto Rico, in this case is “mixed.” There are...

Ok stop it. 


No really. 


Dumb shit like this annoys me.

1) Not everyone is all three ancestries.

2) Folks keep promoting this fallacy of Latin America= mestizaje.Not everyone in Latin America, Puerto Rico, in this case is “mixed.” There are folks beautiful as midnight and others white as snow. Maybe they are mixed…maybe they’re not. Latin American does not inherently mean “mixed” by default.

3) There are definitely folks who identify with one or some.

4) These are the folks that will speak over/”correct” those who do identify as one or the other. 

5) “Mixedness” or being a “mixed” person or population, is not a substitute for actually confronting rampant anti-blackness, white supremacy and the lived experiences of those who ARE (mis)treated based on being one or the other. *cough cough* African and indigenous. 

6) Let’s stop pretending that one does not get priority over the others *HINT* the pale one. And that the “others” aren’t systematically and consistently erased. 

I’m tired yo.

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