
Anonymous asked:

I am just so mad at Hyde in season 8, like what the actual hell! First he decides to stay with Sam even though he doesn’t even like marriage and and Sam is a grown ass adult she can take care of herself and go back to Vegas and why the hell is she even coming to get Hyde in the first place, she’s married to someone else! Hyde is acting like Jackie is the one who ruined their relationship, newsflash asshole, you did! I’m sorry I’m ranting I just hate him I’m season 8, like ugh.

HONESTLY Jackie and Hyde could have been salvageable with the stripper storyline, like maybe during Sam staying in the Forman household he could have realized that he still loves Jackie and Jackie still loves him and he could have divorced Sam, it’s that easy! God, the season 8 writers were so selfish and disrespectful of the show, like we get YOU don’t like Jackie and Hyde but everyone else does, like if you hate them so much, don’t fucking accept the job? Anyways I love your page, man. 


Season 8 writers were so selfish like seriously just because you don’t like Jackie and Hyde doesn’t mean you have to ruin their whole relationship, like the WHOLE fucking fandom loved them, they were a fan favorite! Like it’s so confusing! I’m so glad that every person in the T7S fandom just hates season 8

Hyde and Donna piss me off sm in the season 8, FIRST OFF why the hell did Hyde stay with Sam, he was such a jerk to Jackie throughout the whole season, he then accuses her of ruining the relationship when he did (I’m also pissed he got Sam flowers because he probably never got Jackie anything for Valentine’s Day, god this is the thing that annoyed me the most) Donna was just a horrible friend, like god Jackie needs you right now! Donna also becomes friends with Sam which pisses me off so much

Your feelings about what happens in season 8 are totally understandable. The characterization and storytelling betrays the previous seven years of the show. We have a Season 8 Hate thread on the That ‘70s Show message board at Fan Forum if you want to share you frustration and anger with other people, too.

  1. thestupidhelmet posted this
    I am just so mad at Hyde in season 8, like what the actual hell! First he decides to stay with Sam even though he...
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