Talk_2021 Exchange research program(AIR)_Indonesia_Jatiwangi Art Factory presentation by Tenjinyama Art Studio

Jatiwangi Art Factoryとさっぽろ天神山アートスタジオの共同プロジェクトのはじまり

2021年度(2021.04-2022.03)のAIR(Artists in Residence)プログラムは、空をおよぐ/swimming in AIRというタイトルでやってみようと思った。


そんな単純な理由と思いつきで、パートナーにはインドネシアのAIRと交換プログラムをやろうと決め、知り合いだったJatiwangi Art FactoryのArieに相談したのが私たちのプロジェクトの始まりである。JAFの活動や精神は、この時代、ともにプロジェクトをやってみるパートナーとしては最適だと思われた。

そして、Arieからterra cotta embassyプロジェクトに参加してみないかと提案があり、60日間のAIRプロラグムではお互いに、Arieは地元の煉瓦産業の移動、つまり交易について、私も北海道の事情をリサーチしてみることにした。

The start of the joint project between Jatiwangi Art Factory and Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio I titled the theme for AIR (Artists in Residence) program in 2021 (2021.04-2022.03) 'Swimming in AIR'. I got this name after a phone call with an artist at the end of 2021 when I was told that "in Indonesia, people have more free time since the coronavirus pandemic and are flying kites". Back then, the situation in Japan was still uncertain  due to the ongoing pandemic, and so my mental state felt vulnerable because artists from overseas weren’t able to travel to Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio. It made me dream about the people who were calmly flying kites. I thought that we could let a kite soar in the air while looking up at the sky. In spite of not being able to actually move across the border, we could swim in the sky. For this simple reason, I decided on an exchange project with an AIR in Indonesia and asked Arie in Jatiwangi Art Factory(JAF) with whom I have had dealings. This is how our exchange project began as an AIR program in 2021. JAF's activities and spirit seemed to be the best partner to work with on a project together during these times. Arie proposed the 'Terra Cotta Embassy Project' for us to work on together. We decided that during the 60-day AIR program, Arie would research the trading history of the local brick industry in a neighbouring town in Indonesia while I investigated the corresponding industry in Hokkaido. 北海道における煉瓦づくり、煉瓦産業の始まりについて。

The beginning of brick making and the brick industry in Hokkaido.

日本政府は、江戸から明治へと時代が近代に移り変わるなかでこの時代の都市建設の建材として煉瓦生産を始めた。いまでも近代遺産として多くの煉瓦造りの建築物を日本各地でみることができる。同じ頃、北海道開拓を押し進める日本政府は、北海道でも煉瓦生産に着手した。 最初は、北海道の南に工場をつくり東京など日本の本土に煉瓦を輸出する計画だったが、輸送コストがかかりすぎることから、かなり早い段階で北海道での煉瓦生産は北海道をメインの消費地として発展していくことになった。


そこで、江別市にある昭和窯業株式会社の工場江別市セラミックアートセンターのれんが資料室を訪ねた。 The history of brick manufacture and its industry in Hokkaido The Japanese government began producing bricks for building during the transition from the Edo to the Meiji era. Today, modern heritage can be seen in the many brick buildings throughout Japan. During that period, the Japanese government was keen to develop Hokkaido and started producing bricks there. The initial plan was to build factories in the south of Hokkaido and export the bricks to Tokyo and other parts of mainland Japan. However, transportation costs were too high. From a very early stage, the brick industry in Hokkaido grew because they also developed a construction industry that used this brick to build the local cities. It is interesting to note that at that time Hokkaido was about to be settled as a domestic colony. There was not even any local industry like pottery for fabricating roof tiles, and prisoners were tasked with brick production. During the process to foster the development of Hokkaido, the need for bricks as construction materials meant the industry expanded in tandem with new railway lines and roads. As a result, a situation occurred whereby brick factories were located along the transport routes that were constructed due to Hokkaido’s development scheme. Multiple brick factories existed in various parts of Hokkaido and produced the building materials for each region. Over time however, the demand for bricks decreased. At present in Hokkaido, there are only two factories left in Ebetsu, a city adjacent to Sapporo in which many other factories were concentrated. We visited a resource room of the Ebetsu Ceramic Art Center and a factory of Showa Yogyo Company in Ebetsu City.  



YouTube 昭和窯業の工場風景

セラミックアートセンターでは、江別市で煉瓦作業が盛んだった時代の資料をみせてもらったり、工場での労働環境などについて話を聞いた。家族で仕事をしている小規模な煉瓦工場から、多くの労働者を抱える大規模な工場まで、働き手は、男だけではなく女性も子どもも働いていたという多様な人の集まるコミュニティ、煉瓦製造は人の手によるとても単純な作業の積み重ねでシンプルに組み立てられていて、ものづくりの原点のような姿を改めて受け止められてとても興味深かった。 The photo shows the brickyard and Mr. Ueda who guided us around the factory of Showa Yogyo Company. Let's take a look at a video of the factory shot and edited by Oga Kobayashi, a filmmaker from Sapporo Tenjinyama Art Studio. YouTube - Scene of Showa Yogyo Factory At the Ceramic Art Center, we saw information material about the days when brickwork was popular in Ebetsu City and heard about the working environment in the factories. It was interesting to learn about the diversity in the industry; ranging from small family-run businesses to large factories with many workers, where not only men but also women and children worked. Also, it was fascinating to take a look at brick manufacturing which was a series of very simple tasks performed with only human hands. I felt like I was seeing the origins of Japan’s manufacturing expertise.

煉瓦建造物は、北海道庁舎として観光名所にもなっている道庁赤煉瓦に代表されるように「日本の近代」を象徴しているようだ。それらは、「北海道庁赤煉瓦」のような政府や鉄道に関係する建築物と、農業や畜産業に関係する大型倉庫などに大きく二分される。それらは当時の権威構造、社会の力学、また営みの豊かさなどあからさまな力の存在を表しているようにも思える。 At the Ceramic Art Center, we saw information material about the days when brickwork was popular in Ebetsu City and heard about the working environment in the factories. It was interesting to learn about the diversity in the industry; ranging from small family-run businesses to large factories with many workers, where not only men but also women and children worked. Also, it was fascinating to take a look at brick manufacturing which was a series of very simple tasks performed with only human hands. I felt like I was seeing the origins of Japan’s manufacturing expertise.

現在は、煉瓦の建築物はそのイメージを利用して、「おしゃれで」「リッチな」イメージをつくる素材になっているようだ。建材としての煉瓦の表出するイメージが、開拓期の力の構造を振り返ることなく拡散されていて、煉瓦づくりの素朴な人の手による作業という原点が隠されてしまっているようで、なんだかひっかかるのだ。 Brick buildings seem to symbolize "modern Japan". For example, the red bricks of ‘Hokkaido Government Office’ are a known tourist spot. They are roughly divided into two types; buildings related to the Japanese government and railways such as ‘Hokkaido Government Office’ and large warehouses related to the agriculture and livestock industry. They show characteristics of the times such as the structure of authority, social dynamics and the range of activities that took place. Nowadays, the bricks seem to be used to create "fashionable" or "rich" images. It makes me sad that the history of the development of Hokkaido has been neglected and only a superficial image of brick materials is understood. Unfortunately, their inherent simplicity and the fact that the bricks were fashioned by hand are not appreciated.


私たちのterra cotta embassyを、ジャティワンギ現地に建設するためアイデアに、私のリサーチから得た感覚と札幌のひとつのエピソードを加えて提案してみたい。 「煉瓦の朴訥(ぼくとつ)さ素朴さ」や「煉瓦づくりの労働で生まれるコミュニティ」にスポットを当てたい。だから、思いつきではあるが、キッチン機能の備わった、キャンプ場のような共同作業のための広場はどうだろう? My ProposalIn terms of our Terra Cotta Embassy in Jatiwangi, I would like to give an impression of my research and recount a story that comes from Sapporo. I would like to highlight "the simplicity of brickwork" and "the community that evolves while  making bricks". So, what about building a campsite-like collaborative plaza with kitchen facilities?



そしてArieのリサーチはどんなものだったのか聞かせてください。あなたの番です。 One day, I visited a small but pleasant museum built with bricks. It was located in a high-class residential area and surrounded by many fine brick houses. I continued walking toward Maruyama Park and its subway station. On the way, I passed the park where the official residence of Sapporo’s mayor used to be. While walking there, I remembered this story. Once a mayor of Sapporo thought that even though all the previous mayors had used the official residence, the building was actually useless, and so he demolished it to create this small park. I liked this true story. This photo shows the park. What do you think? I would like to hear what Arie has researched. It's your turn!

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