Uut Poetry

Uut Poetry

Uut (n.): the chance meeting of a galleon and a caribou on the dissecting table of America
This site is an endless adventure in the poetry and poetics of surrealism. Read about the origin and trajectory of this adventure on the Manifesto page.
Brooks Lampe teaches writing, literature, and philosophy, at George Fox University in Newberg, Oregon. The poetry on this site, unless otherwise stated, is his. The rights to all works belong to their respective authors. Images are used by permission or license. Banner art by Karen Constance. Opinions expressed herein are my own (or respective authors') and not the views of my employer.

come back

Dale Wisely

2. cluster (red)
3. cluster (red)
4. cluster (red)
5. come back
6. come back
7. come back
8. (leave alone)
9. wait 

Full text of a note I found on my desk. I made the note, but have no memory of what it is about.  Also not sure why there’s no number 1.

Dale Wisely edits Right Hand Pointing, White Knuckle Chapbooks, and One Sentence Poems. He recently played both James Brown and Carl Jung in the touring production of his musical GET UP OFF OF THE FUNKY ANIMUS, PART 2.


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