Asobistore is accepting preorders for Tales of Festival 2023 merch from March 31, 2023 to April 9, 2023 (JST) Orders will be shipped in late May 2023! There’s a huge selection of merch from 24 Tales of Series titles, and this is Toto’s first official merch too!
Check out the readmore for how to buy, links to Luminaria’s merch, and some notes about the merch currently offered.
Buyee works with Asobistore no problem, and I’ve also received confirmation that Zenmarket also works! I was also advised that Zenmarket is cheaper and faster to use, so I’ll be trying it out for the first time. If Buyee and Zenmarket both work, then I’m sure other proxies won’t run into issues other.
Links to Luminaria’s currently offered merch, so you don’t have to scroll through everything just to find them:
- TOF2023 Official T-Shirt with the names of all 24 titles printed on the back. If anyone still wants to argue that Luminaria “isn’t a Tales game,” then this official merch tells them they’re wrong. Comes in sizes S-XL
- TOF2023 Official Tales of Luminaria bracelet. It has a charm that almost resembles an Embleo?
- TOF2023 Official Tales of Luminaria Medal Plate. Looking at the measurements, I think it’s like a pressed penny?
- TOF2023 Official Tales of Luminaria Scarf. The coloring is Luminaria’s official hexcode used for official merch, so it looks very similar to Phantasia, Hearts R, and Xillia’s scarves
- TOF2023 Official Mascot Toto T-Shirt. Comes in sizes S-L.
- TOF2023 Official Toto Acrylic Stick. According to the item description, you can take pictures with the lil Toto on top of this stick without worrying about your hand appearing in the photo.
- TOF2023 Official Mascot Masking Tape Type A. This type includes Toto along with other Tales of Series mascots.
- TOF2023 Official Toto Acrylic Clip.
And that’s everything Luminaria-related…for now!
If you scroll down to the bottom the of the page, you’ll find a notice about the merch that’s currently offered. In addition to the general event merch like penlights, booklets, bags, etc., there’s a large variety of character merch available.
The character merch that’s currently available is based on the voice actors who were invited to participate in the event. Currently there were two waves of voice actors announced to participate in the event, and we have yet to see the third wave of voice actors announced to participate in the event. There’s also a chance that “secret guests” may be invited to the event.
When more voice actors are invited to the event, there is a possibility that more character merch will be added to the lineup in the future. Phanatsia, Destiny, Eternia, Xillia, Zestiria, Luminaria, and other titles have not had voice actors announced for them yet, so we may see some character merch for those games later!
Because the characters wear a T-shirt of their game’s mascot in the merch illustration, a lot of JP fans are speculating that Yelsy’s voice actor might be invited to the event. I’m unsure about this since the mascot for Berseria is Bienfu, and Magilou or Eleanor would be the closest associated character with Bienfu, but neither of their voice actors have been invited to attend (…yet?)
I also think it’s too early to assume that all main protagonists will have their voice actors invited. And just because Leo and Hugo are the characters you’d normally associate with Tales of Luminaria’s “main” characters, I don’t think that necessarily means their voice actors have a higher chance than anyone else. I’d say Celia has the same odds as anyone else too.
If anything is consistent, it’s that Bamco will invite voice actors for popular characters whose merch is bound to sell, so I think Ed or Lucien actually have better odds of getting those merch slots. Bamco also seems to invite voice actors who are good at presentation and bounce well off other voice actors, like Zelos’ voice actor, so that’s another thing I’d consider. But it’s anyone’s guess!
Oh yeah, and I’d be careful about the inventory that’s displayed!
I’ve found multiple JP fans who’ve already ordered Luminaria merch, and I’ve also already ordered Luminaria merch myself, but the current stock of merch has remained unchanged since the sale started. The website says that they have 20 of everything stocked, but I think it’s more likely that they have less than that based on what I’ve observed and what I’ve bought myself…
I think they might cancel your order in the event that they run out of their limited stock? That’s probably what happened to me the last time I ordered Luminaria merch…and it might happen to me again if I was slow enough this time too? Honestly, if Luminaria merch sells that well, then I won’t have any hard feelings about it!
And if you aren’t able to make a pre-order for the item you want within this period, it’s not the end of the world! They’ll be selling this merch during the actual event’s sales period, and some merch may be resold at Asobistore or other stores in the future!
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