blog by shin noguchi
Dad, with stage 4 lung cancer is featured on TABI LABO Japan (facebook)
Sorry, Japanese ver. only.
My father is still alive, this is the story until my father is hospitalized for the first time.
related: Feature Shoot/Photoblog Hong...

Dad, with stage 4 lung cancer is featured on TABI LABO Japan (facebook)

Sorry, Japanese ver. only.
My father is still alive, this is the story until my father is hospitalized for the first time.

related: Feature Shoot/Photoblog Hong Kong

肺癌末期と親父」がTABI LABO | 旅ラボ (facebook)で紹介されています。Feature ShootPhotoblog香港とはまた違った視点でインタビューしてくれたライターのHarukaさん、ありがとうございました。

TABI LABO | 『死ぬなよ、親父……。人生の終わりに近づく父の写真を息子は撮り続ける』

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