1. ryoko7nicole said: Awwww I’m sorry more people aren’t appreciative! I was going to offer my services as a QC/Proofreader for your English mangas, but I guess it’s too late. Good luck!
  2. laketica said: aw…. sorry to hear this, but thank you for everything up til now! =T
  3. k-chichan said: T_T Thank you for the hard work.
  4. bloodredsakura said: Nooooooo ;;;;;;; Thank you for your hard work
  5. a-ngua said: Well, a good (English native) proofreader could help you with translation. Anyway, you should not pay attention to what people say, they just allow themselves too much nowadays…
  6. iancuniuru said: thanks a lot for your hard work, your english is very good to understand, they are bad person, they don’t understand japanese, but are badmouth about your group. They don’t deserve to read your work. big hug
  7. whiteliesfansub said: Thanks ^^
  8. olinatasha said: I’m so sorry to hear this news, but respect your decision. As a teacher of English as a foreign or second/additional language, I always encourage people to take risks and keep trying with the language that is not their first or native language. I also teach others to be patient and understanding with people who are doing their best with non-native languages. I am sorry if others treated you with disrespect. I appreciated your translations–always. Thank you so very much!
  9. eramaeni said: Thanks for all your hard work! Good luck with your continuing work.
  10. evykim said: So sad to hear such news from you😢😭😭. Yet, I respect your decision
  11. whiteliesfansub posted this