Magnus and Alec — I like to reverse my favourite moments (usually...

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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I like to reverse my favourite moments (usually when I’m very Malec deprived) because sometimes it makes it like a whole new scene. 

I probably shouldn’t have here because now everything aches. 

These two are going to kill me.

Source: mvlec
malec magnus bane alec lightwood harry shum jr harry shum matt daddario shadowhunters the mortal instruments gifs m black and white hug hugging p1 210 // ohhhh man right in the feelz 1080p

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#malec #harry shum jr #the mortal instruments #magnus bane #alec lightwood #harry shum #matt daddario #shadowhunters #gifs m #black and white #hug #hugging #p1 210 #// #ohhhh man