GIF from @grettershout

GIF from @grettershout

trollhunters dodgeball fail claire gif gifs

  1. itskreen added this GIF to a post
  2. rosie-cherries reblogged this from fuckyeahtrollhunters
  3. howling13banshee reblogged this from nunezclaire
  4. saintsoldier18 reblogged this from fuckyeahtrollhunters
  5. lingeringchaosxstrikes reblogged this from zionkilse and added:
    @zionkilse ME ANGST? NEVER ;D
  6. zionkilse reblogged this from lingeringchaosxstrikes and added:
    Why are you guys always calling me out? Like you don’t write angst too @lingeringchaosxstrikes
  7. frogoboggins added this GIF to a post
  8. erikaember added this GIF to a post
  9. raging-rainhoe reblogged this from fuckyeahtrollhunters and added:
    When Monday comes out of nowhere
  10. whiterose123 reblogged this from lafeenoa
  11. miraculously-furious reblogged this from lafeenoa
  12. fuckyeahtrollhunters posted this