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Can we talk about the fact that he is wearing a red shirt?
Red is associated with love and passion.
We are facing the red shirt of passion? or the red shirt of passionate love?

Can we talk about the fact that he is wearing a red shirt?

Red is associated with love and passion.

We are facing the red shirt of passion? or the red shirt of passionate love?

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I AM █ █ █ █ LOCKED

♦My Mind Palace♦

This blog is

95% Sherlock and Benedict Cumberbatch

5% Others

I'll post a lot about Sherlock and Benedict Cumberbatch, if convenient. If inconvenient, I'll post a lot anyway because Benedict is definitely my division.

♦Watching♦ ~Supernatural ~Hannibal ~Reply/Answer Me 1994.
♦Writing a Sherlolly♦