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More Progress on Mossborough Detailing

Just wanted to give another quick update from the weekend. Spend some more time working on detailed layouts for mossborough. I have added 2 more level areas and starting adding some lights. I would like this game to have a day/night cycle and possibly dynamic weather affects too (the latter being a far greater long shot). 


The 2 (or I guess sort of 3) panels I added were the two right most ones. They represent the mayors house (hence the fancy bushes and lighting). I also added some stones on bottom right corner of the far right level for a hidden passage later on in the game when you get the stone smashing gopher follower.

Another design I think I have settled on is that instead of trying to box players within each level area using shrubs and fences, I will instead allow a more free roaming camera system so that the player can see parts of the other level areas to give context as to why they can cross between levels in a certain spot. So for example, in the T-path that leads to the mayors house, you could go the opposite direction of the path to the mayors house and try to get back into your grandpas backyard. So instead of using shrubs to block that off, when the character navigates close to the left edge, the level area to the left will fade in slightly so they can see a fence is blocking them. The fence won’t be on their level, but they can see it on the level next to them.

Thats all for now, thanks for reading!

indiegamedev gamedev demergo gophers gamedesign leveldesign