Guys, it’s been months and I still can’t get over this GIF
Whenever Hormone War comes on and he does the “I’m 18, I know what I need to know” line, this pops into my head and I laugh maniacally

Guys, it’s been months and I still can’t get over this GIF

Whenever Hormone War comes on and he does the “I’m 18, I know what I need to know” line, this pops into my head and I laugh maniacally

  1. joonieshoelace reblogged this from alittlebedtimestoryofme
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  3. saltyauntsuga added this GIF to a post
  4. jisungokk reblogged this from cerbear and added:
    will i ever not laugh at this
  5. mommychikki added this GIF to a post
  6. yoongles-stuff reblogged this from cerbear and added:
    Still dying 😂
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